Charlie Pavitt: Steroids and the Hall of Fame
This guest post is from occasional contributor Charlie Pavitt. Here's a link to some of Charlie's previous posts.
I am
writing today about a much-discussed topic, performance enhancing drugs and
Baseball Hall of Fame enshrinement. My
goal is not to defend a particular opinion about it, but rather to attempt to
lay out five possible positions and some strengths and weaknesses each
has. In fact, one reason why I will not
defend a particular opinion is that, given these strengths and weaknesses, I am
torn among several of the options.
before I start, a few preliminaries. First, research of which I am aware provides
strong evidence that steroid use significantly increases offensive performance,
whereas there is little if any evidence that human growth hormone has any
none of this is new. Ancient Greek athletes
took then-known stimulants before competitions, and nobody back then batted an
one must be careful throwing rocks when one’s own house could potentially, in a
different context, be made of glass. When I was in graduate school, if someone had come to me and whispered, "Hey man, I have this pill you can take every day that will make you read,
write, and think more quickly and efficiently," I would have been sorely
tempted to partake. In fact, one of my
grad school cohort-mates imagined a situation in which you took a pill that
provided you with the information you are supposed to learn from assigned
reading, with lighter doses for undergraduate students and heavier doses for us
grad students. Mighty tempting fantasy.
and this is critical: Before throwing rocks, one needs to defend the claim that
there is something wrong with taking performance enhancing drugs. The fact that it may be illegal is, in my
view, irrelevant, as many illegal items are not only harmless but helpful. For example, without getting into the
marijuana debate, it is the case that any use of hemp has been illegal in some
places, despite its many many positive applications. And taking something into the body to improve
athletic performance is often a good thing. After all, a person can improve athletic performance by eating better,
and perhaps taking supplements of necessary vitamins and minerals in
moderation. So what’s the difference? Here’s an argument for that difference;
eating better and taking supplements in moderation promotes overall health
whereas taking steroids (and overdosing on vitamins/minerals) does quite the
opposite. The early deaths of many
professional rasslers (I reserve the word "wrestlers" for the real sport),
perhaps some football players (Lyle Alzado?), and two well-known baseball
players (more on this later) has been linked with steroid use.
One could then make the claim that it is the use of a
substance that causes bodily harm that warrants rejection from the HOF. After all, the criteria for entry include "Integrity,
sportsmanship, and character" along with "record, playing ability," and
"contributions to the team(s) on which the player played."
So, the argument continues, PED use is
contrary to the former three criteria. I
think the best angle for this argument is that it sets the wrong example for
others, particularly young people, whereas eating well and getting one’s
vitamins/minerals sets the right example. Fair enough. But: Lots of HOF
players were smokers or used chewing tobacco, and Babe Ruth certainly did not
set a good dietary example by reportedly eating multiple hot dogs just before
games. And speaking of setting bad
examples, if there is anybody enshrined who does not deserve it for absence of
integrity etc., it is Adrian "Cap" Anson, who was proactive in the successful
attempt to get Moses Fleetwood Walker, the first African-American major league
baseball player, banned for the color of his skin.
So this argument leads to a slippery slope. But let us assume that we accept it. Here are five possible responses, ordered
from most lenient to most strict.
Position Number One: Let everyone in. The argument here is that great performers
deserve entry no matter why they performed greatly. Buttressing this position is the seeming fact
that until the public response to Jose Canseco’s confession among other events
forced action, the powers-that-be in MLB’s establishment knew what was going on
and intentionally turned a blind eye to it. After all, fans like offense, particularly home runs, and attendance was
swelling, so all seemed right with the world. So if that was what baseball was in those days, goes the argument for
this position, one must accept it and its great performers no matter what. ne strength of this argument is that one
must not make always-problematic non-performance-related judgments about
players, as we will must for the other positions on this issue to be discussed
in turn below. The problem with this
argument is that it is contrary to the "integrity, sportsmanship, and
character" criteria, condones unhealthy behavior, and as such if anything
encourages youthful copy cats.
Number Two: Let everyone in who deserves enshrinement independently of PED
use. This implies that one likely
accepts Alex Rodriguez, Roger Clemens, and Barry Bonds, because if one mentally
subtracts the PED-fed "value-added" part of their performance, they are still
HOF material. But one rejects those who
would not have reached performance criteria otherwise: Mark McGwire and Rafael
Palmeiro among others come to mind.
Perhaps this makes some sense, but one is still condoning bad behavior
by allowing in known users while making questionable judgments about whose
performance would have been "good enough" without PEDs.
Number Three: Ban known users. So Bonds,
Clemens, McGwire, Palmeiro, Sammy Sosa, Manny Ramirez, and some others who
reached supposed HOF performance levels are out. Also some who approached HOF levels and might
otherwise deserve consideration (Miguel Tejada, Jason Giambi) get none. In so doing, we clear the deck of those
guilty of poor integrity etc. Also, it
might allow us to consider those whose performance would have reached criteria
in another era; think Fred McGriff, who hit as many homers as Lou Gehrig. But what about those suspected of use? Take Jeff Bagwell for an example. Although there is no clear evidence of his
use and he has steadfastly denied it, he did get a lot bigger fairly quickly,
hit way more homers than anyone originally expected, and associated closely
with the first known user alluded to earlier, Ken Caminiti, whose early death
has been partly linked with use. If we
lower our performance criteria to allow for McGriff, it also allows for Bagwell. So now we’ve admitted someone who may have
been as guilty as Bonds et al. but whose usage (if any) has not been publicly
verified. Setting the in versus out
boundary is a pretty questionable judgment call.
Number Four: Ban everyone either known or rumored to be users. So Bagwell and Gary Sheffield and perhaps
Juan Gonzalez if you think he reached HOF performance levels and maybe even
David Ortiz are out, and Mike Piazza should not have been recently
admitted. Now we know we’ve kept the HOF
free of those with poor integrity etc. But at least in the U.S. court of law one is considered innocent until
proven guilty. Take Jeff Bagwell. Although he got a lot bigger fairly quickly,
hit way more homers than anyone originally expected, and associated with a
known user, there is no clear evidence of his use and he has steadfastly denied
it. Again, setting the in versus out
boundary is a pretty questionable judgment call.
Number Five: Not only ban everyone suspected, but kick out anyone currently in
who is suspected. Now we are sure
everyone in baseball had the proper integrity etc. Out goes Mike Piazza. Further, and this is the second player I
alluded to at the beginning of this essay, out goes Kirby Puckett. Jose Canseco fingered him, plus the physical
problems that ended his career along with those that ended his life along with his violent post-baseball behavior sure seem to be signals
of steroid use. In addition, in a 2002
article, statistician Scott Berry calculated that Puckett’s jump from no home runs
his rookie year (1985) to four his sophomore year to 31 his junior year was the
most unlikely performance increase in the history of MLB, with an odds of one
in 100 million, much greater than similar jumps made by other known or
suspected users. But this is all
indirect evidence, there are other explanations for all of it (maybe Kirby
started taking his vitamins or radically changed his swing between the 1986 and
1987 seasons). And if we kick out Kirby,
should we kick out Adrian Anson? (Actually, I think we should, but that’s a
side issue here.) How about Ty Cobb for
his racism (to be expected, natural attitudes for a Georgian in his time)? Babe Ruth for eating all those hot dogs? I do not believe I have heard anyone support
this position, but I suppose someone could.
So – as
I noted at the top, I am frankly torn among several of these options. If I had a vote, my heart would point me
toward Position Three, but my head would tell me that it would be hard to
rationally defend relative to some of the others (particularly Four). Anyway, I hope that I’ve laid out at least
some of the arguments on either side well enough that readers can have an
intelligent discussion about it and maybe even add some arguments to my list,
and that those who are SURE that their position, whichever it is, is obviously
correct think twice about its weaknesses along with its strengths.
-- Charlie Pavitt
Labels: Charlie Pavitt, hall of fame, PEDs, steroids
Very interested topic with regarding to the subject..I am really like these information. I trust that I've laid out in any event a portion of the contentions on either side all around ok that readers can have a smart dialog about it and perhaps add a few contentions to my rundown, and that the individuals who are Certain that their position, whichever it is, is clearly right mull over its shortcomings alongside its qualities. see here.
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